Norm Lewis lights the candle to ‘A Soldier’s Play’

(NEWS4USONLINE) – Actor and singer Norm Lewis has a history of firsts. Lewis was the first…

Black Restaurant Week relaunches

HOUSTON– Black Restaurant Week LLC celebrates the flavors of African American, African and Caribbean cuisine with a series of regional…

U.S. Black population is on the rise 

Study by the Pew Research Center reveals two decades of growth

Black educators on the Covid-19 front line

(News4usonline) – When it comes to fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, Black educators have had to deal…

Black students battle racism, Covid-19

(News4usonline) – The great race divide has always been here in the United States. The country’s…

Black youths fight Covid-19 digital divide

(News4usonline) – Los Angeles County Internal Services (ISD) Director Selwyn Hollins always knew a technology gap…

The weight of Covid-19 on Black youth

(News4usonline) – The impact of Covid-19 on the population K-12 has been huge.When it comes to…

Karen Bass wins it for LA mayor

Karen Bass has made history. The outgoing U.S. Congresswoman has been elected as the next mayor…

 Court blocks racially gerrymandered maps

Court Issues Preliminary Injunction in Case Challenging Jacksonville City Council and School Board Maps, Ordering Drawing…

College professor gets justice after being fired

Collin College professor reinstated after being fired for union advocacy, supporting the removal of Confederate monuments…

Bella Ballard: Meet the Rose Queen

The Ogburn School senior reigns over the 2023 Royal Court

Voter restriction laws may impact California

The Decennial Census and the Voting Acts that Address Discrimination  Article 1, Section 2 of the…

The plot to suppress the Black vote

The fallout is still brewing from a leaked audio recording that features proposed backroom dealings that…

Court blocks racially gerrymandered maps

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Through a preliminary injunction, a court blocked Jacksonville city council and school board maps…