Sean Patrick Thomas opens up about ‘Till’

The actor dishes on the importance of the Emmet Till's story

‘Till’ producer speaks out on film

Courage of Emmett Till's mother is highlighted in new movie

‘Women of the Movement’ hits where it hurts

(News4usonline) – ABC’s “Women of the Movement,” is a noteworthy program for any individual who is…

Surviving the night: my encounter with police brutality

There are no happy tours when it comes to police brutality. Everything ends in pain when…

Revisiting the Life and Murder of Emmett Till

We can never forget of the anguish and terror Mamie Till Mobley felt as she went…

Killing Trayvon Martin All Over Again

Michael Vick gets sent to prison for fighting dogs. U.S. traitor Eric Snowden commits acts of…

Black History Month Retrospective…The Killing of Emmett Till

Officially known as the month of February, Black History Month has been set aside to remember…

Remembering the Life and Murder of Emmett Till

By Dennis J. Freeman Black History Month Feature We can never forget of the anguish…