Kobe Bryant doesn’t need any introduction when it comes to the fight against the homeless issue here in the Greater Los Angeles region. The United Way of Greater Los Angeles has always been at the forefront of causes such as combating homelessness. The two powerhouses came together on Saturday at Los Angeles Exposition Park to take a stand against the homeless problem that seem to be getting worse almost every day.

More than 13,000 people showed up walk in the name of fighting the homeless situation in Los Angeles County. According to the United Way of Greater Los Angeles fact sheet, there are 58, 423 people currently on the streets in Los Angeles County. Some of the other statistics are mind-boggling.

Those suffering with mental illness represent 33 percent of the homeless population. There are nearly 7,000 U.S. Veterans fighting the homeless fight in the county. Sadly, going to school and getting a degree doesn’t prevent someone from being out on the streets with no place to lay their heads. Among those on the streets are those with college diplomas. Those with bachelor’s degrees account for 32 percent of individuals that are homeless.

The point of the annual United Way of Greater Los Angeles Homewalk 5kRun/Walk is to raise awareness about the homeless problem and raise enough money to help eradicate the issue. Bryant, who has been the United Way Homewalk honorary chair for three straight years, has planted himself in the homeless fight, teaming up with wife Vanessa to launch the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation, which also addresses this very critical societal problem.
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Dennis has covered and written about politics, crime, race, sports, and entertainment. Dennis currently covers the NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, and Olympic sports. Dennis is the editor of News4usonline.com and serves as the publisher of the Compton Bulletin newspaper. He earned a journalism degree from Howard University. Email Dennis at dfreeman@news4usonline.com
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