Jackie Robinson’s bat sells for over $1 million

Hunt Auctions buys icon's prized memorabilia for private client

Dodgers ready to host MLB All-Star Week

LOS ANGELES (News4usonline) – The last time Major League Baseball held its annual All-Star Game was…

Jackie Robinson Day is a pathway to the future

PASADENA (News4usonline) – One of the most special days in all of sports take place every…

Why Jackie Robinson is still relevant today

Seventy-five years after he broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, Jackie Robinson is still…

Jackie Robinson: An ode to the barrier-breaker

(News4usonline) – Jackie Robinson, like many other Black people, has gone through a lot. From hatred…

Dodgers and RBI continue Jackie Robinson’s legacy

Every year on April 15, the entire baseball community recognizes the man who broke the sport’s…

Dodgers honor Jackie Robinson Day with gutsy victory

LOS ANGELES – On the 74th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the baseball color barrier, the…

Does Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier matter?

Progress. That’s a matter of interpretation. For Black Americans in the United States, progress often comes…

What Jackie Robinson is to baseball, Kenny Washington is to football

“To dream, even in the face of humungous odds, dreaming is still worth the activity. Because…

Hot Springs, Arkansas: A bedrock to the Negro Leagues

HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS – Driving down Central Avenue in Hot Springs, Arkansas, it’s kind of hard…

Keeping the Jackie Robinson torch alive

LOS ANGELES-Baseball and Jackie Robinson go hand-in-hand. One could not do without the other. Where would…

Dodgers, MLB honor No. 42

LOS ANGELES-Jackie, we never forget. Major League baseball and the Los Angeles Dodgers have made sure…

The Real Meaning of Jackie Robinson

Jackie Robinson was not bigger than life. He simply gave us a better perspective about it.…

Paying Tribute on Jackie Robinson Day

LOS ANGELES-As she made her way through the throng of reporters, fans and well-wishers to celebrate…