Football Fumbles: Pale to the Redskins

  A slur is a slur. No matter how you cover it up and pretend its…

Why the New Minorities are Joining the Democratic Party

The Republican Party today has a race neutral and culturally accommodating philosophy.  What that means is…

Blacks Can’t Lose Sight of Social Justice

Commentary  By M. Starita Boyce Ansari, Ph.D. (Black News)-Fifty years ago, Americans from community after community…

Film Revisits Black Power Movement

 The Black Power era in America has been sliced and diced by so many people and…

MLK: The Spirit of a Lion

I don’t see the timidity of a lamb when I think about slain civil rights icon…

NAACP: Relevant Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

By Dennis J. Freeman There are a lot of haters. More than a few doubters have…

The Republican Party and its Cast of Clowns

By Dennis J. Freeman  Commentary Business and real estate mogul Donald Trump says he has “a…

Remembering the Life and Murder of Emmett Till

By Dennis J. Freeman Black History Month Feature We can never forget of the anguish…

Black Voters Must Rise up Against Apathy and Arrogance

By Dennis J. Freeman        We have been silent for too long. It is now the time…

Dr. Laura, Mel Gibson, Race and the N-Word

By Dennis J. Freeman We knew it would come sooner or later. Black folks knew it…