Jimmy Kimmel LA Bowl is now official

Oregon State and Utah State engage each other in inaugural bowl

Dodgers bring Christmas to local students

Shoes and toys are among the gifts distributed by team

Fundraising for higher education

The College Expo umbrella hosts gala fundraiser for students

No PG13, no answers for Clippers against Kings

LOS ANGELES (News4usonline) – The Los Angeles Clippers ended their November schedule by dropping their last…

Meet Diane Forbes Berthoud, a boss on diversity

UMB welcomes its new chief equity, diversity, and inclusion Officer

Paul George gets Player of the Week honors

The NBA announced that LA Clippers forward Paul George has been named Western Conference Player of…

Delight friends and family with Winter-Blooming Bulbs

Give a holiday gift that is guaranteed to bring joy and feelings of well-being. Research by…

Separate and Unequal

How some urban schools lost out in the pandemic

Sports media get an ‘F’ grade for lack of hiring women

A new report shows that the media is failing in the hiring of women and minorities

Black athletes and the fight against two pandemics

As Covid-19 raged so did the battle for equity and social justice for Black Americans

Living with white terror, Black fear in a pandemic

Hate crime has increased against Black Americans as white extremists groups grow

Living through Covid-19 while Black and homeless

Blacks make up a greater percentage of the homeless population

Black Businesses Surviving in the Middle of a Pandemic

How some Black-owned businesses struggled and thrived during the pandemic

Biden speaks to the heart of voting rights

President Joe Bidens goes after the Big Lie while addressing voting rights