Super Bowl Monday? The national holiday debate

(News4usonline) – I believe that the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday should be considered a holiday…

Clips experience NBA’s postseason growing pains

It happens. A star player goes down with an injury. There are missed free throws when…

Does Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier matter?

Progress. That’s a matter of interpretation. For Black Americans in the United States, progress often comes…

Surviving the night: my encounter with police brutality

There are no happy tours when it comes to police brutality. Everything ends in pain when…

A retreat to the South while America protest

As the country and the rest of the world raged in indignation about police violence against…

Larry Aubry: The journalistic soul of an activist

There are but a handful of journalists I have grown to have unadulterated respect for. Two…

The gun has replaced the rope

At first, it was the rope. Now, it’s the gun. Mass shootings have become an alternate…

Shh! The moviegoing experience is supposed to be quiet

Cerritos, CA-How many times have you been to the movies and have seen your moviegoing experience…

Living with PTSD: My story

There are over 44 million people living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the United States.…

A free press preserves our democracy

When I go work each day, my job as a news gatherer is to do just…

Raising consciousness in sport is the athlete’s voice

LOS ANGELES, CA-Social activism among athletes sounds like a trendy hashtag on social media these days.…

The day I first experienced God

I got to know God on an intimate, personal level the day I contemplated suicide as…

The times my mother prayed for me

My mother didn’t need to leap over a building in a single bound to be my…

No, the media will not shut up

LOS ANGELES-What’s going on in Washington, D.C. is a joke these days. The only problem with…